To get your marathon training plan, fill-up the following form, and pay using the Paypal button. You will receive your training plan within 5 working days :Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.TRAINING PLANMARATHON PLAN #1 – 3 MONTHS PLANMARATHON PLAN #2 – MONTHLY PLAN : 3 x 4 weeks training planMARATHON PLAN #3 – WEEKLY PLAN : 12 x 1 week training planHALF MARATHON PLAN – 6 WEEKS PLANPLAN 10 km – 6 WEEKS PLANTRAINING PLAN – YEARLY – 13 x 4 WEEKSTRAINING PLAN – MONTHLY – 4 WEEKSName *FirstLastEmail *RACE PLANNED *RACE PLANNED DATE *average weekly mileage (during the last 3 months) *5 km result from the last 6 months (or estimate) *5 km Personal Best10 km result from the last 6 months (or estimate)10 km Personal Besthalf-marathon result from the last 6 months (or estimate)half-marathon Personal Bestmarathon result from the last 6 months (or estimate)marathon Personal BestWebsiteSubmit