Autumn Marathon 2024

You plan to race an Autumn marathon 2023. I can help you with the planning and training.

Autumn marathon 2024

The second part of the season is going to focus on training for different marathons. Few reached out already to race the following marathons :

Berlin Marathon – 29/09/2024

Dublin Marathon – 27/10/2024

Valencia Marathon – 01/12/2024

The training plan will be 12 weeks. You should plan few races during the 2 / 3 months period with a 10km at the end of the 4th week. The 10km is not necessary. If you prefer to concentrate on the marathon training, then your will avoid the taper / recovery period and be able to train better.

You should plan a half marathon at the end of the 7th week.

You should be running minimum 50 km per week (32 miles / week) at the beginning of the training block, with your long runs lasting 1h40/1h45.

You are not there yet, then use the next 8 weeks to increase gradually your mileage.

Training for the next weeks

It is important to increase the mileage gradually during the next 8 weeks. Increasing the mileage too fast is increasing the risk of injury. It is important to arrive fit at the start of the training period and at the start line in Dublin.

I prepared an example of training plan for the next 8 weeks:

Weekly mileage
Long run
35km / 21 miles1h00
21253037km / 23 miles1h05
22263140km / 25 miles1h10
23273230km / 19 miles1h00
24283340km / 25 miles1h20
25293444km / 27 miles1h30
26303548km / 30 miles1h40
27313650km / 32 miles1h45
Then 12 weeks to the marathon

Start to book your half marathon to ensure it is placed ideally before the marathon:

Autumn marathon 2024
Autumn marathon 2024

Ensure you stay well hydrated, even during these winter months, and have an healthy diet. Looking forward to see you this spring at the start line of a Marathon.

Happy running!

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