Training Downtime Period

Training downtime period is often perceived as an ignored word amongst runners. Many athletes are affraid that they will lose their hard-acquired fitness in an instant!However, most wise runners and …

Flexibility for Runners

How Important Is Flexibility For Runners? Runners often ask : – How Important Is Flexibility For Runners? – How to Improve my Flexibility? Running, especially for marathon winners, is usually …

Shin splints

Injuries Runner injuries are always an important point of discussion between athletes and Shin splints is an usual injury. Every athlete will have been through an injury period and it …

November Seasonal Fruits & Vegetables

November diet: The November seasonal Fruits and Vegetables table will give you details on what to include in your diet this month. This month, after Halloween, many of us are …

Hamstring injury

Injuries Runner injuries are always an important point of discussion between athletes and hamstring tear or proximal hamstring tendonitis are an usual injury. In other words, every athlete will have …

October Seasonal Fruits & Vegetables

October diet: The October seasonal Fruits and Vegetables table will give you details on what to include in your diet this month. This month, after enjoying a nice summer, we …

September seasonal fuits and vegetables

September Seasonal Fruits & Vegetables

September diet: The September seasonal Fruits and Vegetables table will give you details on what to include in your diet this month. This month, after enjoying a nice summer, kids …